


Õou can donate 2 euros for a midi file from my list.

For the potpourri  depending on the midi files that are in it


  For 3-5 midifiles just send 2 euros for everyone midifile via Paypal

and write the titles of the midifiles you want,

then i send you the midifiles via email.

For more midifiles, please send  via email the list of the midifiles you want,

after you have payed via PayPal  i will send  the midifiles via email.


All the midi files on the lists are made like original songs, that is,

all the instruments (drums, bass, piano, guitar, etc.)
in separate tracks, they also have 1-2 tracks with the melody of the song.
The lyrics of Greek and Latin characters have been written.
They are compatible with  GENERAL MIDI 1 & 2, GS, XG and other protocols.

You can freely download some midi files to try them:

click  HERE.


If a midi file you are interested in is not ready on the lists,

you can order it:

click HERE.


For more info please write to: 





Gia kathe ena tragudi apo tin lista mporite na dorisete  2.00 euro
Gia kathe ena pot puri:  Analogos posa komatia ehi to pot pouri.

(p.h. an ena pot puri  ehi 4 komatia doriste  8 euro)


I diadikasia ine i eksis:

Gia liga komatia 3-5 stelnete tin dorea sas sto PayPal

ipologizontas 2 evro gia kathe aplo komati

ke grafete tus titlus sto plesio gia simiosis pu iparhi sto PayPal.

Katopin sas stelno ta komatia me email.

Gia perisotera komatia, mu stelnete mia lista me ta komatia pu thelete

ke sas stelno ta komatia me email.


Gia perisoteres plirofories    grapste  sto:  



Ola ta midi files pu iparhun stis listes ine ftiagmena  opos ta kanonika tragudia

diladi ehun gramena ola ta organa (drums, bass, piano, guitar k.l.p.)

se ksehoristes track ke ehun 1, 2, track gia tin melodia tu tragudiu.

Ehun gramena ta logia me Elinikus ke Latinikus haraktires.

Sta midi files pu meta to onoma tus ehun to  (gr), ta logia ine gramena

me Elinikus haraktires, eno sta ala horis to (gr) ine me Latinikus.

Ta midi files tis listas mu Ine simvata me GENERAL MIDI 1&2, GS, XG k.l.p.

Mporite na katevasete merika midi file gia na ta dokimasete 

patiste   EDO.


An kapio midi file den iparhi etimo stis listes,

mporite na to paragilete:

patiste  EDO.

